Museum opening hours: 10AM to 5PM (Mon-Sat), 12noon-4pm (Sunday)

“The Wee Donegal in pictures – An illustrated talk by Charles P Friel”

Heritage Talk – “The Wee Donegal in pictures – An illustrated talk by Charles P Friel”

Saturday 17th August, 2:30pm.

Venue: Donegal Railway Museum

Using many previously unseen photographs, well-known railway historian, photographer, and preservationist Charles P Friel will recreate a journey over all 124 miles of the County Donegal Railway – from Victoria Road in Derry to Letterkenny, Glenties and Killybegs. The first part of the talk finishes with a trip from Ballyshannon to Donegal Town. After the break, Charles will recount the last day of public trains, some subsequent events and the lifting trains before, much more happily, reviewing the many CDRJC vehicles which survive in preservation – including some of the work on Drumboe in Whitehead.


This is a Ticketed Event and will also be Broadcast online; Tickets are FREE, but donations gratefully received! Tickets for the in-person part of the event are available at:

This event can be viewed Live online at:

This event is part of our National Heritage Week Programme

Charles Friel

Donegal Railway Heritage Centre

Donegal Railway Heritage Centre is a registered charity and has been operating for over 25 years. The community museum is an important part of the visitor offer in the town and County, as well as creating employment for local people. Our remit is to keep the history and heritage of the County Donegal Railways alive through the running of the Museum, and the rescuing, restoration and showcasing of unique rolling stock and traction.

Learn more