
History of the

It all began in November 1990 when Joe Carroll, a Dubliner working in the fishing industry in Donegal sought employment opportunities outside the fishing trade. The local FÁS officer suggested he carry out some historical research into the County Donegal Railway. This led Joe to investigate the possibility of restoring a suitable length of track for steam train operations. A public meeting to assess local interest attracted some 60 people and from this the South Donegal Railway Restoration Society was formed in January 1991. Over the next few years with a focus on running something on a former trackbed, a variety of Donegal railway stock was acquired, much of it on loan from the North West of Ireland Railway Society. Obtaining a location to run a railway proved problematic for a variety of reasons, but in 1994 the opportunity came for the organisation is acquire part of the former Donegal Town Railway Station buildings on a Lease from CIE.

Growth and Recognition of the Donegal Railway Museum

Thus the Donegal Railway Museum opened in 1995 housed in the original Old Station House in Donegal Town, which was restored by the then County Donegal Railway Restoration Society. Over the years the Museum had its challenges, but was able to develop not only the museum, but also produce quality publications as well as carry out some outreach work. From 2018 the museum went through a much-needed complete overhaul with the entire museum being updated after a variety of successful grant applications and renewed engagement with the local community and nationally, resulting in increased footfall and profile. In October 2021 the famous steam engine Drumboe returned restored to the Museum after much fundraising, and was placed in a newly specially built presentation platform. The homecoming received much local, national and international media coverage and was featured on RTE, BBC and ITV. In 2023 the Museum won the National Lottery Heritage section for the County and later became a national finalist, one of the top five in Ireland!


Discover the Award-Winning Donegal Railway Museum

Today the Award Winning visitor attraction comprises of a museum, an information centre, displays, shop, as well as Ireland’s first full-size interactive railway cab; lots of fun for kids big anda small! On display are rolling stock including original railway carriages and wagons, unique historical artefacts, an Interactive Railway Cab (first in Ireland), working railway models, and various audio-visual presentations on the history of the railways.


Building a Dynamic Railway Heritage Attraction for Donegal's Future

We wish to develop and promote a robust and dynamic all-weather railway heritage visitor attraction, by rescuing, restoring, showcasing and celebrating the unique railways that once operated across County Donegal which will be of interest across a wide section of society. We are a dedicated group of people committed to saving, restoring, developing, celebrating and developing a first-class visitor attraction which played a pivotal part in the history of the County and this island. We also play our part in creating meaningful and sustainable employment and in the economic regeneration of this part of Donegal. We would encourage you to help us reach this vision.